- SNEWS 2.0 Workshop: Supernova Neutrinos in the
Multi-Messenger Era, Sudbury, June 14-17, 2019
- October 2015: HALO joins SNEWS, bringing total to 7 experiments.
- November 2014: Daya Bay joins SNEWS, bringing total to 6 experiments.
- January 2014: Supernova Explosion in M82: Exciting, but No Neutrinos Duke research blog article
- December 2013: KamLAND joins SNEWS! Current detectors in SNEWS: Super-K, LVD, IceCube, Borexino, KamLAND
- May 2012: astrobites post featured on Waves and Packets
- July 2009: Borexino joins SNEWS. Current detectors in SNEWS: Super-K, LVD, IceCube, Borexino
- February 2008: SNEWS article featured in New Journal of Physics 10 Anniversary Highlights
- February 2006: Nova Podcast about SNEWS
- June 2005: AMANDA/Ice
Cube links up with SNEWS.
- September 1, 2004: SNEWS technical paper published in New Journal of Physics, available
online at doi:10.1088/1367-2630/6/1/114.
- July 10, 2004: News article on SNEWS featured in New Scientist news article, July 10
issue, p.13 (print edition).
- June 8, 2004: SNEWS technical paper posted at astro-ph/0406214.
- February, 2004: SNEWS server moved to Brookhaven National
- March 2003: Sky and Telescope
AstroAlert results.
- February 2003: Sky and
Telescope test of AstroAlert system.