The SuperNova Early Warning System: Brief
When a massive star collapses at the end of its
life, most of its binding energy is emitted in the form of
neutrinos. These neutrinos come in all flavors and emerge promptly
from the stellar envelope over a timescale of tens of seconds. If
the star later explodes, the burst of supernova photons does not
become visible until hours later. The observation of a
neutrino burst can provide a warning for astronomers that the
opportunity to get a rare glimpse at the collapse of a star,
resulting in a supernova, may be soon be presenting itself. A
number of neutrino experiments with sensitivity to a gravitational
collapse event in our Galaxy are currently online, or will be in
the future. In addition, gravitational wave detectors like
LIGO and Virgo have sensivity to asymmetrically-collapsing
The basic idea of the early supernova alert project is to have
a central computer (or computers) which accepts neutrino burst
candidate messages from neutrino detectors around the world and
sends an alarm message to astronomers if it finds a coincidence
within a short period of time (10 seconds). The central computer
is located at Brookhaven National Lab. The coincidence search is
both "blind" (decision is made when messages are received without
polling the other experiments) and automated (alerts go out
without human intervention, for maximum speed.) The neutrino
experiments currently involved are Super-K, LVD, IceCube, Borexino, KamLAND, Daya Bay, and HALO.